How to Invest Like the Rich

Government deficits, weakening currencies and economic chaos are waking people up to the sad  truth that it’s getting harder to leave your children with a higher quality of life than you had. If not down right impossible; or so it seems, but we are going to look at why there is hope for the the economic future of the next generation.

Recently, a Fox News scientific poll revealed that about 57% of Americans believe their children will be worse off than they were and are. If this is true, it will be the first time in generations. Does this concern you? It should!

And it’s the same everywhere around the world. Studies show Britain living standards stopped rising nearly a decade ago and that this current generation already has it worse off than their parents. This really shouldn’t come as a surprise since the American dollar is basically the standard world wide. When every nation does the same thing, using similar economics, why would we expect a different outcome? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting to get a different result. Apparently propping up the economy with fiat money is not the answer we are looking for.

If you wish to leave your family with more than you were given, then you need to shake things up. You need to invest differently than the Average Joe. You need to invest like the rich. Lets take a brief look at two of the richest families in history. We will see how one saw its fortune pass on and grow from generation to generation, and the other… well, read and find out.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild grew rich in the mid 1700’s by starting a bank and keeping it in the family. He sent his five sons to set up a “bank branch” in five different economic hubs in Europe. And each was very successful. Instead of letting later generations simply inherit wealth for them to squander, the Rothschilds continued to start banks run by members of the family. Just 100 years later Rothschild banks filled all corners of Europe: Paris, London, Frankfurt, Vienna, Naples and more. At least 6 branches of the family were elevated to royalty. And even today the world is littered with Rothschild businesses, banks and charities. The Rothschild family legacy has gone on for 300 years and it still seems to be going strong.

While I don’t agree with many of the philosophies the Rothchilds hold to, their multigenerational thinking has led to a great economic future for their posterity.

Now contrast this with Cornelius Vanderbilt, whose shipping and railroad empires made him one of the richest men in the world in the mid 1800’s. Cornelius Vanderbilt lived modestly. But his offspring built lavish mansions and blew through wealth as fast as it came in.

The Vanderbilt fortune was squandered in just a handful of generations. It is said a direct descendant of Cornelius died broke just 48 years after he did. And there are no millionaire Vanderbilt’s alive today who didn’t make their money on their own.

So what made the difference?

The Rothschilds passed along much more than just their money from generation to generation. They transfered a value to thinking long term, to consider the next generation and the economic future. AND YOU CAN TOO!

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