12 More Signs Gold Is Ready For Take Off!

Gold has risen in price every year for 10 years straight. Yet in 2012, gold seemed to take a needed breather.

EVG Research Team here, and the breather looks to be over. Gold looks primed and ready to continue it’s historic climb upwards.



3 Kinds of Telltale Signs

When gold is getting ready to shoot higher, there are 3 telltale signs to look out for: increased demand, money-printing, and a global loss of faith in the US dollar.

And browsing the news this summer, these 3 signs seem to show up everywhere you look.

Here are just 11 we've spotted in the last 35 days.

  • Former US Treasury Secretary Buying Billions Worth - John Paulson left the US Treasury to manage the world’s biggest bond-fund manager: Pacific Investment Management. And he just increased the companies gold holdings to $2.4 BILLION. (Reported Aug. 22)

  • Central Banks on a Gold Buying Spree - In 2011, central banks around the world bought more gold than in any year since Richard Nixon was President. And this year, they’ll beat last year’s gold-buying record by nearly 10%. (Reported Aug. 17)

  • US Dollar Running on Fumes - The dollar is falling in value fast. It’s at a 4-month low vs. the EURO - despite Europe’s current financial crisis. If it keeps up we’ll see $2,000+ gold in no time. (Reported Sept. 12)

  • Hong Kong’s Shipments of Gold to China have DOUBLED! China hasn’t told the world how much gold it has since 2009, but sometimes Hong Kong can give you a clue. Their July reports showed gold exports to China DOUBLED from July of last year. (Reported Sept. 9)

  • China’s Sneaky Gold Moves - Rather than buying existing gold off the market, China’s making bids for gold mining companies around the globe: in Brazil, Africa, Australia and more. So instead of buying gold, they can just mine and keep it. (Reported Aug. 17)

  • European demand rising! The German Constitutional Court just ruled that the European Central Bank can keep printing money, pushing Europeans to buy more gold to protect against inflation. (Reported Sept. 12)

  • India Begging Citizens to Stop Buying Gold - Gold is a big part of the Indian culture, and their demand for the metal keeps prices high. So now their central bank is practically begging citizens to stop buying gold. They warn it’s an awful investment because it’ll likely just be given away at a wedding anyway! (Reported Sept. 7)

  • George Soros Doubling His Stake in Gold - He’s the infamous investor who first saw the English pound was weak... and then almost single-handedly brought the currency to its knees with a $10 billion short, making himself a cool billion in profit. Now he sees the future of gold, and he just doubled his fund’s stake in SPDR Gold Shares. (Reported Aug. 22)

  • US Republicans Want to Return to a Gold Standard - The US Republican party platform was updated in August - and a commission to study a return to the gold standard was added. If enacted, a gold standard will make the price of gold SOAR. (Reported Aug. 24)

  • World’s Largest Mutual Fund Agrees. The Total Return Fund, managed by Bill Gross, is buying gold now, and has been all of 2012. It’s the world’s largest mutual fund, and they expect gold to rise quickly. (Reported Sept. 4)

  • World Gold Council Predicts A Move to Gold... and away from the US Dollar. Since the 2008 crisis, the US dollar has been the safe harbor to store wealth. But the World Gold Council now predicts the game is over - and gold will be the world’s currency hedge. (Reported Aug. 16)

And the NUMBER ONE Reason Is...

The Fed just announced a new round of “money-printing,” known as “QE3.”

It is, of course, the third time the Fed has tried “quantitative easing” - or money-printing - to fix the economy. And each time gold has jumped significantly higher.

But this time it’s even MORE BULLISH for gold.

When QE1 and QE2 were announced, the Fed let it be known upfront how much money they were willing to “print” beforehand.

This time, QE3 has no such limit. The Fed announced it’ll continue to add $85 billion per month - or $1 TRILLION per year - to the economy.

That’s when the M2 Money Supply shows there’s currently only $10 trillion in the economy. So the fed just promised us a 10% increase in the M2 Money Supply per year...

...otherwise read, a PROMISED 10% INFLATION per year.

That means if you keep your money in a bank account, you’re essentially LOSING 10% per year.

The best alternative is to buy gold & silver - two historical investments people flock to in times of a currency crisis.

In fact, in the hour following Ben Bernanke’s announcement of QE3, gold jumped by over $30! Overall, gold is up 10% since rumors of the Fed’s actions started swirling.

To find out more about buying gold and silver, jump back into this exclusive strategy session with Mike Maloney:

Everything You Need to Know About Buying Gold & Silver

And just as a friendly word of advice, this time it’s different. Not only did Ben Bernanke promise unlimited new money-printing to fix the economy, he also promised to keep going even after “things get better”:
“...a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the economic recovery strengthens” ~ Ben Bernanke September 13, 2012

The time is NOW to protect yourself from Bernanke’s inflation and ride the gold boom upward.

This article is reprinted courtesy of The Elevation Group. To find out more, please visit their website at:http://theelevationgroup.com/

How To Create a Billion Dollar Family Legacy

As you increase your wealth, there will come a day when you begin to think about how you can pass on your life's work to your children.

You start to think about how you can leave a family legacy that will last for years.

This is important stuff. And the sooner you start thinking and planning, the better off you'll be.

Because, as you well know, you can't take it with you. ;-)

The question is: What's the best way to leave it all behind?

And how do you structure your wealth and assets so that the maximum amount goes to your children--and the least amount goes to the tax man?

Last but not least, how do you make sure that what you leave behind doesn't ruin your kids?

These are the questions we answer in Lesson #4: How To Empower Your Children To Create A Billion Dollar Family Legacy.

For this lesson, investment expert Paul Harman joins me once again. As you watch the videos, you'll discover:

What you should pass on to your kids and why.

What Ayn Rand said -- The one principle you MUST understand about the nature of inheritance and the heirs that receive it.

How to teach your children to grow their inheritance into a Billion dollar fortune within 3 generations.

How to use this strategy to bring your family together, and develop your children into leaders.

The 100% fool-proof way to increase the size of your family's wealth every single generation (just like the Rothschild family has done).Along with the 3 training videos, you'll also receive 3 supporting documents available as PDF downloads.

Go ahead and begin Lesson #4 here.

This article is reprinted courtesy of The Elevation Group. To find out more, please visit their website at:http://theelevationgroup.com/

Is it Too Late to Collect Your Share of the Wealth?

EVG Research Team here, and there’s a question we've seen come in from EVG members that need to be answered.

But first some background...

...Every week hundreds of take-charge individuals join us at the Elevation Group (EVG) to both protect and grow their wealth.

They realize a storm is brewing; and that...

  • Debt crises in the US and Europe threaten the global economy...
  • The 2008 crash will be DWARFED by the next crash, set to hit in 6-36 months.
  • Keeping your wealth in dollars or any other currency at a time like this is risky...
  • IRAs and 401ks used to work for retiring “middle class” - but don’t anymore.

AND most importantly...

  • That you must take proactive steps to make sure you’re not wiped out by the next great wealth transfer.
So at EVG, we don’t just plan to survive the next financial crisis... we plan to thrive and prosper.

Because of the financial experts we’ve assembled, we know that...

  •  The safe play is buying gold and silver and holding for the time being...
  •  A traditional bank account is no place to put your wealth.
  • The “Bank of You” can produce 6%-10% returns with zero risk.
  • Twenty-percent returns or more are possible when you know how to stack investments.
  • And taking on long-term fixed rate mortgage debt is a fantastic idea as we head into hyperinflation, when paying back loans will be super easy.

But the most common question we get is...
“Is it too late to start all this now?”
Absolutely not. And that’s one reason why we were so happy to see this message come in from Joe D.
“At first I was overwhelmed simply because I'm young, don't have any money saved up, and was at that moment living paycheck to paycheck. With the little changes that I've made, I've gained more and more confidence.
~ Joe D.Joe D. is young. Had no savings. And has none of the advantages an older investor might have...

...but HE got started! And in my book, he’s well on his way to not just surviving - but THRIVING - during the next great wealth transfer.

Joe had nothing financially when he joined The Elevation Group. And now look at his progress!

I've invested in precious metals, purchased a few firearms and have taken courses on how to operate them as they carry a tremendous responsibility.
The great thing about Mike and The Elevation Group is that they decisively select the most important topics today and present them at the right times. We're not being given all the information at once and for me it's great that he gives us just enough time to learn each lesson before moving on to the next.
It's still a little difficult being that I started practically with nothing but with what little money I was able to save up from my paychecks I invested back into myself and my future business...
...There's no doubt in my mind today that I will have a business in real estate and hopefully not as an agent but as a true investor. EVG has given me the proper information and tools to take action and be a successful entrepreneur. It is with faith that I can share with the EVG community that the day will come when I can quit my job and be an entrepreneur like Mike and his partners/colleagues. 
Thanks Mike and The EVG!!! Regards, Joe D.

SilverSaver(R) - Save Physical Silver and Gold

Joe is using Elevation Group lessons to save, invest in precious metals, start a business and even protect himself if the US turns into Greece.If you’re starting from scratch with no savings, you can follow Joe’s lead by becoming a member and growing a solid financial foundation.

And if you have wealth that you need to grow and protect in this economy, jump back into one of our 20 lessons revealing the investment strategies of the ultra rich.

There's plenty here to take you to the next level:

Click Here to Go to the Members Area Now

This article is reprinted courtesy of The Elevation Group. To find out more, please visit their website at: http://theelevationgroup.com/

Left or Right?

In the looming shadow of an economic collapse you will hear some pretty outrageous and conspiratorial ideas.

Shocking as it may sound, much of it has a grain of truth to it. The difficult thing to do is to sift and sort through all of the bullshit to find it. When you have the left pitting against the right you don't get anything close to truly unbiased media.... rather COMPLETELY biased media and their agendas.

The truth is, there is no such thing as neutrality and anyone who says they are neutral is completely biased one way or another.

I'll admit, I am not neutral. I happen to believe that there is one truth but it is not neutral either. If there is no such thing as absolute truth then there is no such thing as right or wrong; only pragmatism which states "what's right for me might not be what's right for you." So it's okay to murder? Because someone out there thinks it is...

So we get two main candidates in the 2012 presidential running (at least thats what the media tells you) one on the left and one on the right. We are made to believe that Romney is a true blue conservative republican. Yet if Obama and Romney looked in the mirror they would see the others face. Romney's record speaks for itself. Obama #2, its like a bad sequel, the second being worse than the first. I woudnt consider voting for either one of them and any American who respects himself, his neighbor, his children and cherishes his freedom to believe what he wants and to be as successful as he wants, will do the same! 

Bypass the bullshit and prepare your family for the economic collapse that is inevitable since neither candidate is willing to do what it takes to turn things around.

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