There really is no precise definition of an economic collapse. The term can be used to describe a broad range of bad economic conditions from a severe, prolonged depression with high bankruptcy rates, high unemployment and massive national debt, to a breakdown in normal commerce caused by hyperinflation (such as in Weimar Germany). The Great Depression comes to mind, though there are many more examples in history.
I don't know about you but if and when a global economic collapse happens, I want to be on the winning side. There is so much doom and gloom talk out there that the whole concept can be completely depressing. On one hand – maybe that is enough to inspire some people to get off their butts and do something to protect the security of their family both long term and short term. Unfortunately most of us are educated by the same system which does not teach anything about preparing for or prospering in any economic crisis never mind a global collapse.
I came across this video on YouTube and wanted to share it with you… It is an amazingly in-complex, five minute summary of the fundamental reasons why our nation is heading for a major train wreck…Historically speaking, we are repeating the same mistakes our for fathers have made even as far back as the Roman Empire.
If you want to know why there ‘s a 100% chance we’re going to experience a global economic collapse, or "economic Armageddon" within the next 6-48 months, just click play and then share it with those you care about.
So how do you protect yourself, your family and others you care about? – How about even profiting from the implosion in stead of sinking with the ship? First you must educate yourself and TAKE ACTION NOW.