How to Climb Out of Debt and Prepare For Collapse

Jump back into your member's area today!Some forms of debt are like shackles on your wrists, keeping you from taking needed action.

EVG Research Team here, and we want to share a story of how one EVG member fixed his credit and lowered his debt burden - freeing himself to start taking action on other EVG strategies before the economic collapse hits us.

(Click here to find out how EVG members are preparing to survive and thrive during the crash.)

Because now is NOT a time to be tied down with debt; not when the global economy has sprung a leak and quickly sinking.

Not with...

* Unemployment stubbornly high, only falling when people quit looking for work.

* Broke nations asking for more bailouts from other broke nations...

* And the world’s largest central bank, the Federal Reserve, promising to print money to infinity.

That last point - infinite money-printing from the Fed, or QE3 - should be the loudest and clearest signal that there’s no time to spare. The next economic crisis very well could happen in 2013.

If debt is all that’s keeping you from getting prepared, The Elevation Group has strategies to help you eliminate that debt. Including improving your credit to lower your payments.

EVG member Jeremiah H. did exactly that...

"Phenomenal! By following Anthony's advice, I was able to improve my credit scores by 40, 60 and 70 points in only 3 months. He also removed 7 negative items from my reports. This was HUGE!
I was able to refinance my auto loan which saved me $6,455.63 over the life of the loan!! Because of what I learned from working with Anthony I got out of an 11.9% interest loan ( credit was BAD at the time) and into a 3.7% loan."

~ Jeremiah H.

Great job, Jeremiah. By working with EVG and fixing your credit, you were able to pay less in interest... meaning there’s more money available for you to invest intelligently before the crash.

With a better credit score, you might even be able to take on some long-term, fixed-rate, low-interest mortgage debt. Debt that will be eaten away by inflation if the Fed keeps printing money - like they’ve already promised to do.

You did the right thing, and we hope other EVG members will follow in your footsteps.
Fixing your credit is easy to do, if you know the right strategies and who to talk to.

Otherwise, if you just do a Google or Bing search you’ll be hit with pages full of nothing but schemers. Schemers who know they can make a buck from preying on people down on their luck.

Fortunately for EVG members, we give you the names and numbers of the credit specialists we’ve personally vetted... and one who has even worked with EVG founder, Mike Dillard, to maximize his already high credit score.

Here’s what it has done for Jeremiah H. and his future...

"For me, everything in The Elevation Group is great right now. Its helped me lay out a step-by-step strategy for my near future. Now that I've worked with Anthony, I plan on working with Paul Haarman next while purchasing silver and gold in the meantime. Within the next 6 months I want to go visit Tom Wheelwright, the gentleman who helps with tax strategy. Now I at least have a clear vision of the future and can concentrate on what my next steps are."
~ Jeremiah H.

Jeremiah didn’t let his debt or poor credit score keep him from taking action. Instead of moping around and hoping for “next time,” he took action with The Elevation Group.

With all the terrifying signals the global economy is sending right now, we highly recommend you watch this free webinar. It’s the same webinar that Jeremiah watched immediately before joining The Elevation Group.

Click Here to Watch the Free EVG Presentation

Your Partner in Prosperity

The EVG Research Team

Another Term With Obama?

How 3 “Convenient” Numbers Could Give Pres. Obama the Election

In September, the government reported the unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level of Barack Obama’s presidency - 7.8%.

EVG Research Team here, and it looks like “politics as usual” to us.

This number seems to be one in a long line of rosy statistics and lucky bits of news showing up right before a Presidential election.

And with more than 10 million people out of work, millions more forced to take part-time jobs, and a record 46 million people on food stamps... reality doesn’t seem to match the government statistics.

(Click here to discover what The Elevation Group is doing about it - plus how our founder is averaging a 77% annual return in this economy.)

3 “Warm and Fuzzy” Economic Reports

Politicians are notorious for using short-term tricks to boost their chances of reelection. And while it’s impossible to know if these numbers have been fixed, it doesn’t improve our trust in government.

Here are 3 new statistics a President would love to see weeks before election day...

Unemployment Rate at Lowest Point of Obama’s Presidency - When President Obama took office, the unemployment rate was at 7.8% and getting ready to soar into double digits.

It’s been inching downwards for years, but it took a large drop a month before the election - moving from 8.1% to 7.8%. That matches the lowest unemployment rate of Obama’s presidency. And it happened in a month when the economy had below-average job growth, compared to the last 2 years.

This number is very “convenient” when there are 3 million less people working today than when Obama took office.

GDP Grew at 2% in the 3rd Quarter, Thanks to Government Spending - To be clear, this isn’t a high number. A 2% GDP growth rate is modest, and the average rate was higher over the last two years: 2.2%.

But it turns out if it wasn’t for a sudden increase in defense spending at the Pentagon, GDP growth would have been a discouraging 1.36%.

Another “convenient” number, when government spending can increase GDP growth by nearly 50%.

Gas Prices Dropping Drastically in Swing States

Gas prices usually drop at this time of year. And 2012 is no different - the national average recently dropped 12 cents in a week to $3.76/gallon. That’s the biggest week-to-week drop since... the last presidential election in 2008.

But this time, the biggest drops are in swing states. Wisconsin saw a 21 cent drop, while Iowa saw 16.

And then there’s Ohio - the state where it’s rumored results from just two of its counties may end up deciding the entire election. So it’d be a large coincidence if Ohio saw the largest drop in gas prices nationally.

Well... then call it a large coincidence. Because Ohio just saw the biggest drop in the nation at 24 cents per gallon less in a single week.

And we’re not the only ones who’ve noticed. Here’s a recent “Letter to the Editor” found in an Erie, Pennsylvania newspaper:

“I recently drove to western Ohio and filled my gas tank for $3.49. That's 40 cents a gallon cheaper than in Erie. This was out in cow country where the gas had to be hauled hundreds of miles to get there. Tell me again how we set the price of gas here?” - Paul Jaworski (Reprinted from

The President needs all these positive numbers and more, because...

This Presidential Race is a Dead Heat

A month ago, few people thought Romney could win. But a month is a long time in politics.

Now many are wondering if President Obama can still pull it off.

Romney has hit the magic 50% number in several national polls, a number Obama has struggled to meet. And since undecideds tend to turn against the incumbent, Romney may solidly win the popular vote, the electoral vote and thus the Presidency.

At The Elevation Group, we are paying attention to the race. But whatever happens, our wealth strategy will remain the same.

Neither Romney nor Obama can magically make $16 trillion in debt disappear, or keep the $1.5 trillion sitting at the Federal Reserve from entering the economy and causing mass inflation.

The consequences of this debt and money-printing are unavoidable. And that’s why we’ve come up with a plan to survive and thrive during the economic crash. So far, our founder Mike Dillard has averaged a 77% return per year since 2008 - the year most investors took huge losses.

If you’d like to find out more about these thriving investment strategies, go here now and watch this free presentation:

Click Here to Watch the Free EVG Presentation

Your Partner in Prosperity

The EVG Research Team

Ron Paul: No More Bailouts! Banks Should Be Allowed to Fail…

by Ron Paul

Supply and Demand - Free Enterprise

French businessman and economist Jean-Baptiste Say is credited with identifying the fundamental economic principle that aggregate demand for goods in an economy will equal the aggregate supply of goods when markets are permitted to operate. Or in Say’s words, “products are paid for with products.”

English classical economist David Ricardo, among others, more fully developed this principle into what has become known as “Say’s Law.” Say’s Law, according to Ricardo, leads us to understand that market equilibrium for goods is constant. This simply means that markets, when left alone by government planners or other fraudulent actors, inexorably tend toward an “equilibrium price” which eventually balances supply and demand for any particular good. Thus markets will clear themselves of any surpluses or shortages in the form of excess supply and demand.

This important corollary of Say’s Law– that markets clear– is critical to understanding the moribund US housing market. In housing, perhaps more than any other good, we see the terrible consequences of government and central bank interference with market forces.

Increase The Money Supply

First, the Federal Reserve Bank relentlessly increased the money supply over the last few decades. Much of this newly created money and credit flowed from Fed member banks into the residential and commercial real estate markets, causing prices to rise dramatically prior to the housing bust of 2007.

At the same time, the Fed systematically suppressed interest rates for decades. This led to tremendous malinvestment both by homebuilders and individuals, and encouraged a seedy subprime mortgage industry to make nonviable loans that would not make economic sense under market interest rates.

Give Credit to Whom Credit is Due!

Congressional meddling in the mortgage market also added tremendously to the problem. Inane legislation like The Community Reinvestment Act literally forced banks to make thousands of loans to bad credit risks. Similarly, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac put taxpayers on the hook for millions of mortgages that never would meet market underwriting criteria. And of course the real estate and homebuilder lobbies made sure mortgage interest debt (unlike most personal debt) remains tax-deductible.

The ultimate result of these interventions by our caring friends in Congress and the Fed has been the biggest housing bubble and crash in US history, leaving millions of Americans underwater on their mortgages if they have not already lost their houses altogether. Congress and the Fed are directly responsible for millions of shattered lives, and almost unknowable economic damage in the form of trillions of dollars in mortgage backed securities.

Banks will Close Their Doors

The only solution to this mess is to allow the US housing market to clear. All of the bad mortgage debt must be liquidated, whether via foreclosure or bankruptcy. Banks holding substantial mortgages or mortgage backed assets must face the music and adjust their balance sheets to reflect today’s reality. Undoubtedly this will force many banks into immediate insolvency, but such banks must be allowed to fail without receiving another nickel of taxpayer money. Banks took the risks and made money during the bubble years; those who exercised bad judgment must now accept the consequences of their actions.

Never in American history have we needed to adopt a policy of laissez faire more desperately; never has government seemed more determined to artificially prop up an industry. But only by allowing the housing market to clear can we hope to rebuild our shattered economy from a stable foundation. Clearly there will be pain in the short term, but we owe it to younger Americans and future generations to allow the reemergence of a rational housing market.

Original source of articel from:

Find out what the ultra rich are doing to hedge themselves against economic collapse.
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